Perhaps more than any other year in a Baby Boomer’s living memory, we long for the New Year.
For one very simple reason: it’s ‘new’.
New may be a short word but what it lacks in length it makes up for in optimism.
I would argue it’s even more optimistic that the word ‘optimism’, which can come with a little sarcasm attached.
New is a word that nobody can ignore and never tires of seeing.
Pull out the word ‘new’ and whatever went before is toast.
For example, president Trump is toast because there’s a new president.
There are many different kinds of new.
There is the joyous flippancy of a new flavour of fizzy drink or a fashionable trouser length that provokes a tiny, inner grin.
There is the serious, life-changing newness of a baby, a vaccine or a cure that triggers a tear of joy.
The simplicity and impressiveness of a new idea.
Equally, there is the new that signals a change of direction in a business or a policy. ‘Under new management’, is often a sign that we should forget the way things have always been done.
Or a personal new, which could be body shape, hairstyle or spouse.
It can even be added to transform something old by giving it a new lease of life.
New is unsteadying. It rocks our boat.
New makes us buy, think again, make improvements or even be happy with what we have.
New implies that we can do better, even though we very often don’t see any proof that it will.
It gives us a metaphorical blank sheet of crisp, white paper, upon which we can paint any picture we choose.
Or it can mean the closing of a door. A good riddance.
Every day is new until we suddenly remember the old.
But new can be so much better.
So we should embrace new, whenever we can.
Happy New Year, when it comes.